(Originally submitted with the title, "Alzheimer's Caregivers ... It is What it Is")
I’ve been dealing with my wife’s Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
for nearly 8 years ... first as her 24/7 caregiver at home, and now as a
part-time caregiver and full-time advocate since her placement in the dementia
wing of an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) in September, 2013. One of the many things I have learned through
these years is that each new AD decline in behavior and/or skills always leads
to a “new normal” period for us. Each
decline requires an adjustment to my wife’s inability to do something she had
previously been able to do. Social
workers and other health care professionals can help prepare caregivers accept
these new declines and learn how to deal with what lies ahead.
When well-meaning friends and family ask how things are
going, my response is always the same ... “it is what it is.” There is absolutely nothing I or anyone else can
do to prevent my wife’s new AD declines.
Caregivers must prepare themselves for each cycling of a “new normal”
period, and the most important preparation is simply to accept that their loved
one will, over time, only get worse ... never better. It is
very important for health care professionals to make this clear to caregivers.
For the first four or five years, my wife experienced a
series of “cliff falls and plateaus.”
She would seemingly fall off a cliff with a steep decline in a
particular area, stabilize as if on a plateau for a period of 3-6 months, and
then fall off another cliff. Our “new
normal” only changed a few times a year during that time.
In recent years, however, my wife’s pattern of decline has
dramatically changed to that of a slow but steady downward spiral. She now exhibits incremental declines in
multiple areas over many months before she plateaus. And plateaus only last a few weeks now before
a new slow but steady decline begins. With
multiple declines now coming so quickly, our “new normal” is constantly changing. But
since there is absolutely nothing I can do about what is happening, my attitude
has remained, “It is what it is.”
Once again, it is important for health care workers to
prepare caregivers for the possibility of new patterns. Caregivers need to know that loved ones
living with AD will eventually become more and more dependent on others for
their daily living activities. And caregivers
need to understand that once a new decline occurs, their loved one with AD will
most likely never again regain that functioning.
When I placed my wife in her ALF, I knew it was the right
decision for her as well as for me. She happily
engages in her many daily activities, and she is in a safe and secure
environment. She looks healthier,
possibly due to her daily socialization and exercise, among other reasons. But six months after her ALF placement, I
suffered through a short bout of severe depression when my wife started to
forget my name and I learned that she approached and kissed another man
thinking he was me. When I realized that
our “spousal window” was starting to close ... that period of time when my wife
knows me as her husband ... that reality was very difficult to accept.
It’s not that I was in denial. I wasn’t.
It’s not that I hadn’t known that this would eventually happen. I knew.
However, it was still very difficult to accept that my wife’s latest
decline had brought that eventuality closer.
Fortunately, after a very difficult emotional week, I snapped out of my
depression. I accepted that our new normal
was again rapidly changing, and in less time than I had expected my wife will
soon forget who I am. There was
absolutely nothing I could do. It is
what it is.
Caregivers can deal better with these “new normal” periods
if they remember to take better care of themselves. Being a caregiver and advocate for a loved
one is incredibly stressful. It is a
very bumpy ride. Social workers and
others who work with AD caregivers must counsel them not only to accept what
they cannot change for their loved ones, but also to accept the need to
maintain their own health. Remind them
that daily exercise, a good night’s sleep, a healthy diet, involvement in
hobbies and activities, and socializing with friends ... common “remedies” for
stress ... may very well be more difficult now.
However, these remedies for their own stress are still important and
should be adapted to meet their current needs so they stay mentally, physically,
and emotionally fit. Needless to say,
caregivers should also be counseled into attending a good support group with others
who are in similar positions. I know from experience how attending good weekly
support group meetings can go a long way towards reducing caregiver stress.
Published in McKnight's Long-Term Care News. May 19, 2014. Access online only at www.McKnights.com/alzheimers/caregiving/the/new/normal/article/347490.
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